FREE CUTE P.o.m.e.r.a.n.i.a.n P.u.p.p.i.e.s for Loving Homes.
Chico, Butte
California, USA
Male and Female P.o.m.e.r.a.n.i.a.n.s.s P.u.p.p.i.e.s Available To Loving Homes.These sweet girl and boy has been born and raised indoors and under foot. They have a nice cobby body and beautiful face muzzle, and coat. Their dew claws have been removed and tail docked. They are AKC registered, Both are just under 2.3 pounds
Posted on: 2016-06-10 09:16:15
Classified ad views: 3
Item ID: 13789110
Map location: 95976, Chico, Butte, California, USA