???Awesome Charming Female and Male Y.o.r.k.i.e puppies???
Crawfordsville, Linn
Oregon, USA
# ??? QualityY.O.R.K.I.E Puppies:....???**rnGorgeous male and female teacup Y.O.R.K.I.E PUPPY in need of a good home.They are house trained and will always let you know when they needs to be brought outside. Can no longer keep them and need to find them a home. interested person or family should email for more details and pictures. thanks for your time contact us at (617) 313-3357..
Posted on: 2016-06-10 01:53:19
Classified ad views: 3
Item ID: 13798474
Map location: 97336, Crawfordsville, Linn, Oregon, USA