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T.iny Micro-Size Yorkiepuppies male and female
We have two a male and one female available. Born on 7/4/2014, one male on 7/5/2014. Tails and dewclaws are done. Mom is on site and is 7 pounds, Dad is a standard colored yorkiepupy and is 5 pounds, AKC registered. Deposit is $250., non refundable. Full payment due 11weeks. They are ready to go to their forever home 11weeks of age. All shots and worming required by 11 weeks old will be done. Puppies are well socialized, first three weeks are spent in our bedroom, then they are moved to the family room, where they get loved and played with by all family members. Potty training to puppy pads and outdoors. for more details call 254) 836-2506 or text 254) 836-2506 .
- Posted on: 2014-08-10 07:09:35
- Classified ad views:
- Item ID: 993317
Map location: 30041, Cumming, Forsyth, Georgia, USA
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