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Elegant Y.o,r.K.i.e Puppies, AKC, 1M 1F, Toy Size call/text at (301)966-3268
Here are Pebbles. they are beautiful registered tiny "teacup" males/females YORKY puppies. weighs approx only 2.5Lbs. they have a unique sable coat (see pics), and a soooo cute "teddy bear" face. they area very healthy, happy, and sweet-natured puppies, and are up-to-date on their immunizations. they have also been wormed, and "frontlined" for fleas etc. they has registration papers and also thier pedigree papers charting their bloodline. let me know by email, or call/text 301-966-3268 . If no answer please leave a message and I will return your call...Thank you for looking :)rnrnEmail:[email protected]
- Posted on: 2014-08-08 20:32:11
- Classified ad views: 4
- Item ID: 843420
Map location: 43123, Grove City, Franklin, Ohio, USA
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