WANT A BETTER LIFE? rnNEED A CHANGE?rnWANT MORE $$$$?rnSOLUTION--learn a quick trade to get your foot in the door at a great company.We also do job placement as well. I have a masters degree in business but I still needed a trade to get decent job. Then after I was in, I was able to move up with my degree. That is the newest trend in today's business world. call 678- 609- 3519 to discuss life changing possibilities.rnask for Ms. MarcyrnHere are a few programs that we offer job placement for.rnOffice Technology Degree ProgramsrnInformation Technology Degree ProgramsrnBusiness Management Degree ProgramrnHuman Resource Management Degree ProgramrnAccounting And Professional Business ApplicationsrnHVAC/R Technician Training ProgramrnMedical Office Administration Training Program
Posted on: 2016-06-05 18:50:26
Classified ad views: 8
Item ID: 13576231
Map location: 30281, Stockbridge, Henry, Georgia, USA