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Nissan Altima 2.5 SL 2016
You can find this 2016 Nissan Altima 2.5 SL and many others like it at LHM Toyota Colorado Springs. CARFAX BuyBack Guarantee is reassurance that any major issues with this vehicle will show on CARFAX report. Why spend more money than you have to? This Nissan Altima will help you keep the extra money you'd normally spend on gas. Just what you've been looking for. With quality in mind, this vehicle is the perfect addition to take home. More information about the 2016 Nissan Altima: The Altima is a mid-sized sedan competing with the Honda Accord and the Toyota Camry. With a base price of $22,500, the Altima is right in line with its competitors, going more or less toe-to-toe with them on prices and features. The Altima stands out though, with its more extroverted styling and the presence of a standard CVT transmission, which helps bring out the best fuel economy, no matter the engine it's paired with. Interesting features of this model are sporty SR model, Attractive, redesigned styling, spacious and quiet inter
- Posted on: 2018-05-20 08:15:44
- Classified ad views: 7
- Item ID: 13875555