Form meets function. Excellent build quality. There is no better time than now to buy this stout 2016 Ford F-150 ready to get on the job and get going. This reliable truck is the reliable work companion that will always be there to help get you through the day. In New Mexico We Are Ford! Price does not include Tax title and license. Price includes: $500 - Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash. Exp. 07052017 $1500 - Retail Bonus Customer Cash. Exp. 07052017 $300 - EcoBoost Bonus Customer Cash. Exp. 07052017 $3150 - Retail Customer Cash. Exp. 05012017 $1500 - Bonus Customer Cash. Exp. 07052017
Posted on: 2017-03-21 07:31:31
Classified ad views: 2
Item ID: 10690856
Map location: 87107, Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico, USA